Adulting – Performance Poetry


Young people today growing up under the global and informational background are now facing unprecedented challenges of global issues. In the face of these challenges, young people are showing their concern for both global and community. The world we live in is speeding forward at a faster and faster speed, and young people are maturing, to some extent, earlier and earlier.


來自馬來西亞的年輕戲劇藝術家Christine Chong挑選本次“青春•成長”主題詩歌征稿活動中征集到的部分詩歌作品進行表演創作,並通過Zoom平台為大家直播演出。在表演之後,本次藝術節的聯合指導Benny Lim同藝術家一起,通過訪談和問答的方式,與大家分享了他們關於“青春和“成長”的思考。

Young Malaysian theatre artist Christine Chong performed poetries on issues related to youths and adulting collected globally via Zoom. A post-performance discussion with the artist was chaired by festival director, Benny Lim.


 This is the playback video of the live performance on April.26th

Adulting Performance Poetry Playback




Time:26th,April, 16:00-17:30 (SUN)

Platform: Zoom

Language: English