Embrace the innocence in the complex society

Where is Totoro?

細個總會幻想龍貓帶自己嚟一場冒險之旅, 如果喺香港可以見到龍貓就好啦!

We always imagine Totoro bringing us an adventure. It would be so great if we could meet Totoro in Hong Kong!

Photo by: @surrealhk / Tommy Fung

Tommy Fung

平面設計師及攝影師Tommy Fung, 自小移居委內瑞拉,2016年因委國社會動蕩返港發展。2017年開始”My Surreal Life in Hong Kong”計劃,通過Photoshop改圖重現生活中超現實的有趣場景,並發表在Facebook及Instagram (@surrealhk)上與大家分享。​

Tommy Fung is a graphic designer and photographer. After years living in Venezuela, in 2016, he moved back to Hong Kong due to the social and economic crisis. In 2017 he began a project called “My Surreal Life in Hong Kong” to recreate surreal and funny situations using Photoshop, sharing them in Instagram and Facebook, as @surrealhk.