Veronica Green
40 x 30 cm 

Veronica Green

Veronica Green (1984-) ,新西蘭藝術家,以夜光畫及雙重場景繪畫著稱。 2005年於梅西大學完成專業學習,2008年移居威尼斯開始她的事業,作品曾 在無數國際藝術展及畫廊展出。

她的繪畫手法在抽象人像藝術界具有革命性的影響,以混合材質挑戰對於層 次及光的固有觀念。目前,她正嘗試三重場景繪畫,部分作品已在她於紐約 的個展“無限”中展出。


Veronica Green (b.1984, Wellington) is one of New Zealand’s leading painters, recognised for her mastery of phosphorescent paint and double scene paintings. Green graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with First Class Honours from Massey University in 2005. She moved to Venice, Italy in 2008 where she currently lives and works as a full time artist. She exhibits in numerous international galleries and art fairs, with her paintings and prints held in extensive private collections.

Her approach is evolutionary to the world of abstract figurative art, incorporating a mixture of mediums that challenge the concept of what defines a layer and the essence of light.

Currently Green is exploring triple scene paintings that have recently been shown at her exhibition “Limitless” New York, USA.

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