謝至德 Ducky Tse
3D Jobs
攝影、彩色合劑沖印 Photography C-print
尺寸不定 Dimensions variable

《3D工作》系列為謝至德與樂施對在港南亞裔人士生活困境的記錄與呈現。畫面中的三個人物形象反映了在港少數 族裔因為中文能力較弱,而無法融入社會主流,只能從事 「骯髒」、「危險」、「卑賤」(Dirty, Dangerous and Demeaning)的「3D」工作。

Ducky Tse collaborated with Oxfam to shoot the 3D Jobs series and experienced the difficulties faced by South Asians in Hong Kong. The three human portraits reflect that with weak Chinese ability, the ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong are unable to integrate into the mainstream of the society, and can only work in abbreviated “3D” (Dirty, Dangerous and Demeaning) environment.


Ducky Tse Chi Tak (b. 1969, Hong Kong), started his career in the 1990s as a photojournalist and has experienced many events in Hong Kong history. For many years, he has been firmly recording Hong Kong, which is constantly disappearing.