顏石林 Yan Shilin 
I like that you are a peacock
鑄銅著色 Cast copper coloring
218×52×45 cm


I like that you are a peacock is another mysterious work. A small bird like a sparrow perched on a branch in front of the boy’s chest. The blindfolded boy imagined it as a peacock on the screen. This gap between ideality and reality is also Yan Shilin’s expression of dissatisfaction and helplessness in life.

顏石林 (1982年,生於長沙),中國新生代雕塑藝術家的主要人物。他的雕塑獲得了跨年代、跨社會階層、跨文化語境的共鳴。 他用稚拙的兒童形象回應了年輕藝術家乃至一代年輕人剛剛踏 入成人世界的惶惑,隱晦地指出了我們在成人世界裏遭遇到的種種可能,物化了那些無形的屏障。

Yan Shilin (b.1982, Changsha), a leading figure of China’s new generation of sculpture artists. His sculptures have resonated across generations, social classes, and cross-cultural contexts. He responded to the apprehension of young artists and even a generation of young people who had just stepped into the adult world with a childish image of children, and vaguely pointed out the possibilities we encountered in the adult world, materializing those invisible barriers.