伯尼·波士頓 Bernie Bosto
Flower Power
“March on The Pentagon”, 21 October 1967
照片, 大小未知 Photography, unknown

「當愛的力量超越對力量的愛,世界就會了解和平。」– Jimi Hendrix
此相片攝於「進軍五角大樓」反越戰的抗議活動上。 年輕人把花放進槍管裡,成為嬉皮士精神的表徽。

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace“ –Jimi Hendrix  
The picture was taken during the “March on The Pentagon”, a protest of the Vietnam War .  The action of a young man, putting flowers into Rifle guns, represented  the spirit of Hippies.


Bernie Boston
A photographer, photojournalist and Director of Photography for the Washington Star and later the LA Times, who is most noted for his iconic “Flower Power” image.