Isaac Abrams
Hello Dali
布面油畫 Oil on canvas
213.4 × 152.4 cm


Isaac Abrams是個迷幻藝術家,透過豐富的色彩和線條,呈現出服食迷幻藥後,愉悅繽紛的世界,如置身於充滿刺激、無拘無束、充滿可能性的烏托邦。

Isaac Abrams is a psychedelic art artist, his works mostly reveal the mood and the vibes after LSD, encountering an utopia while unleashing his free soul.
(LSD has been popular under the Hippy cultrue, which could catalyze intense spiritual experiences, giving people spiritual healing and inspiration.)

Isaac Abram
Abram 從服食迷幻藥後得到創意上的啓發,推動他成為一名藝術家。他的作品反映著強烈、直接和多維度的迷幻體驗。

Isaac Abram
Abram’s profound experience with LSD has released his own creativity and empowered him to recognize his identity as an artist. His dreamlike paintings reflect the intensity, immediacy, and dimensionality of hallucinogenic experiences.