© Indira Cesarine

Indira Cesarine
抗議 Protest 
布面油畫 Oil on canvas
76.2 x 101.6 x 3.81 cm

2017年創作的“抗議”是被世界歷史上的女權抗議活動的啟發 ,例如在100年前爭取的女性投票權,性別平等,婦女墮胎權,以及最近幾年反對強姦的遊行等。 Cesarine認為婦女應該要團結一致地爭取屬於她們的權利。

This painting was inspired by historic feminist protests around the world, such as women’s right to vote in 1920, gender equality, women’s right to abortion, and the demonstrations against rape in recent years. Cesarine believes that women should fight for their rights in unity.

Indira Cesarine

Indira Cesarine
An American multimedia artist working in photography, video, painting, printmaking and sculpture. Her work has been featured at many art galleries, museums and art fairs internationally.
