捕夢網 Dreamcatcher







Exhibition Introduction

In the age of being young, our dreams are pure and full of imagination. They are boundless and everything is possible. When facing reality, life becomes complicated and the pure dreams vanish bit by bit. Should we become realistic or stay romantic?

The exhibition Dreamcatcher contains three parts: Pure Dream, Shattered Dream and Dare to Dream. The first part shows how cheerful dreams could be. When facing reality and the dark side of the society, dreams are shattered. The second part expresses the disappointment and dismay through the dark dreams. While some people give up their dreams and adapt to reality, others find ways to go beyond boundaries to chase their dreams. Artists in this part defy cruel reality and attempt to create a utopia of their own. They show us hope and courage to break through constraints.

Dreamer stays young forever.


純真的夢 Pure Dream



Is the truth in the dream/
The dream in the truth/
A tearful smile for the memory.
—— Bing Xin《A Myriad of Stars · Spring Water》

破碎的夢 Shattered Dream


Children’s dreams are often wonderful until obstacles came into the way. Faced with crucial reality, youth are no longer as free to dream. Education system, pressure from social competition, identity crisis, loss of value, countless issues interrupt their imagination and turn the illusory dream into a darker one or nightmare…. it leaves scar in the memory of youth.


勇敢追夢 Dare To Dream


When we grow older,  we have to tackle problems on our own. After realising the reality, we start to treasure the freedom of dreaming. Though reality is often disappointing, we should keep  dreaming. Only by dreaming, we could discover light in darkness, to strive in the hard time and chase for our dreams. Only by dreaming, we could retain an innocent heart, to keep imagining and constructing who we are… 

參展藝術家 Participating Artists​​

曹斐 Cao, Fei
Marcel Caram
Tommy Fung
Veronica Green
Patrick Gonzales
石田徹也 Tetsuya Ishida
劉芯濤 Liu, Xintao
李澧榆 Zoe Liu
王慶松 Wang, Qingsong
元性湲 Won, Seoung-Won
薛若哲 Xue, Ruozhe

鳴謝 Acknowledgement

段建宇 Duan, Jianyu
何岸 He, An
石田道明 Michiaki Ishida
石田徹也展實行委員會 Tetsuyaishda.jp
金鋒 Jin, Feng
孫遜 Sun, Xun
杜珮詩 Patty Tu
Sharon Yau
阮家儀 Angela Yuen

策展團隊 Curatorial Team

蔡涵青 CAI, Hanqing
陳栢琦 CHAN, Pakkei
陳雅珩 CHAN, Nga Hang
仇梁 CHOU, Liang
金芷均 Kam, Tsz Kwan
李嬋 LI, Chan
錢雨喬 QIAN, Yuqiao
喻紫卿 YU, Ziqing

*按姓氏首字母排序 In alphabetical order by Family name 

Rebelling Youths